
Monday, May 27, 2024

Hiatus, Involuntary (Again)

I'm giving advance warning that my fansubbing activities, and releases from the Orphan team, will be curtailed for a few months. This time, it's not Covid but cataracts: I'm having surgery in each eye, separated by four weeks. Until both eyes heal and my vision settles into a "new normal," I won't be able to do much work on a computer. 

Cataracts are very common in someone my age. (I'm 77.) I've complained repeatedly in this blog about my inability to see fine details in anime encodes. However, I never realized that this was a result of my cataracts "progressing" (i.e, getting worse) until my eye doctor told me I couldn't put the operation off any longer. The good news is that the operation is completely routine, and afterward, I will see better than I have in a more than a decade.

Without new releases to entertain you, there's a plethora of old releases to look through. Here's a dozen of my personal recommendations:

  • A Penguin's Memories
  • Grimm Douwa: Kin no Tori
  • Hidimari no Ki
  • Hoshi Neko Full House
  • Izumo
  • Katte ni Shirokuma
  • Ourorane the Cat Player
  • Sanctuary
  • Shirokuma Cafe
  • Tengai Makyou
  • Tezuka Osamu's Lion Book OVAs
  • Tezuka Osamu's Love Will Save The World TV specials

But the list could easily be twice as long. Look through the Releases page and read the release posts, and I'm sure you will find a many more.

So as they say on the morning news shows, "Back after this break..."

Post-op summary: cataract surgery went smoothly, and I'm back in business with new glasses and an improved sense of color. Let the Releases flow!



  1. I'm wishing you a nice and fast recovery from Brazil :)

  2. Good luck! I hope everything goes well (like Kia Asamiya who also recently had cataract surgery)

    1. Marrant de vous voit ici, mais pas surprenant ^^

  3. Take care. I wish you a swift recovery.

  4. Wishing you fast recovery, Coll! I'll be around whenever you'll have something to QC.

  5. Wishing you a pleasant and fast recovery from Spain

  6. Wishing you a quick recovery! I am a big fan of Orphan Fansubs since early days.

  7. Hope you have good recovery. Take your time.
    Your legacy to date is already enough to keep us busy for months.
    With gratitude.
