
Saturday, October 28, 2023

Heart Cocktail (Batch)

Here, as promised, is the batch release for Heart Cocktail.

There are no changes.

I really liked Heart Cocktail. I found it interesting, at times compelling viewing, despite the short length of the episodes - under four minutes - and the narrow focus on the themes of love - starting, ending, and the stages in between. Perhaps it's because the show is about adults, and adult issues. Perhaps it's because the short length of the vignettes allowed me to dip in and out whenever I liked.

I'd like to repeat the staff credits.

  • Translation - Darkonius
  • Translation Check - Yume
  • Timing - Darkonius, ninjacloud
  • Editing & Typesetting - Collectr
  • QC - Moelancholy (vol 1-2), Nemesis (vol 3-6), Rezo (all)
  • Encoding - anonymous
  • Coordination - MartyMcflies (front end), Collectr (back end)

Special thanks to 6/10 and Makoto-kun for additional translation help, and to VigorousJammer for scanning the Japanese manga volumes. MartyMcflies and I underwrote the financial costs of the project.

You can get the Heart Cocktail batch from the usual torrent sites or from IRC bot Orphan|Arutha in channels #nibl or #news on Thanks for watching.


  1. Thank you so much for translating this obscure gem! Any plans for translating the sequel (Heart Cocktail Again)?

  2. Any Plans to release Heart Cocktail Colorful?
