
Monday, January 30, 2023

Tezuka Osamu's Tales from the Old Testament Ep25-26

With the return of the Jews (as they were now known) to Jerusalem, the historical narrative in the Old Testament basically peters out. The books of Ezra and Neremiah provide a look at the early years of the Second Temple period, but after that, nothing. Actual historical events, like the revolt of the Maccabees against their Greek overlords, are not included, at least not in Jewish and Protestant versions of the Old Testament. Instead, the Old Testament is filled out with a section known as Ketuvim, the Writings. This contains standalone stories, such as Esther, Ruth, and Daniel; poems, such as Psalms and Lamentations; and philosophical works, such as Ecclesiastes and Job.

So the creators of this series had a choice. They could have shown the Maccabees' revolt. It's an action-packed story with a miracle at the end. They could have done stories from the Writings. Esther and Ruth would have made fine standalone episodes. And I would have loved to see what Tezuka Osamu, creator of Cleopatra and Senya Ichiya Monogatari, would have made of The Song of Solomon. But it was not to be. A series sponsored by the Catholic Church had to drive toward a different conclusion. And so the ninth and last volume of Tezuka Osamu's Tales from the Old Testament might better be titled "Tales from the Apocrypha and the Gospels."

Episode 25 ("Prophets in the Desert") fast-forwards through more than 300 years of history to the Roman occupation of  Palestine (as it was now called) in 63 BCE. Jewish belief is in ferment. Concepts from other religions, such as the immortality of the soul and the imminence of end times, combined with longing for liberation from foreign masters, merge into belief in the coming of a Messiah. This man would be a descendant of David, would gather the scattered tribes of Israel back to Palestine to be their king, and would lead the world in a new era of justice and peace. As signs and portents gather, Mary, a young woman descended from the line of David, receives a visit from a heavenly messenger, who tells her that she will bear a son, to be named Jesus.

Three wise man from the east see a bright star in the heavens, a sign that a great king will be born in Israel. They set out across the desert for Palestine. Rocco accompanies a nameless prophet who speaks of the immanent arrival of the Messiah.

Episode 26 ("The Birth of Jesus") retells the Nativity story. The Roman emperor Augustus orders that all residents of Palestine must return to their birthplaces and register themselves and their property, so they can be taxed. Mary, now pregnant, and her husband Joseph set out from their home in Nazareth to Joseph's birthplace, Bethlehem. Meanwhile, the wise men visit Herod the Great, the Roman's client king of Judea, and tell him that a king of the Jews will soon be born. Herod will brook no rival king, and he sends his troops after the wise men with orders to kill the newborn infant. However, a miraculous whirlwind scatters the assassins and prevents them from following the three sages into Bethlehem.

When Mary and Joseph reach Bethlehem, they stop to visit Elizabeth and Zechariah, who are celebrating the recent birth of their son John, the future Baptist. But when Mary and Joseph look for a place to stay, they find that all the inns and lodging houses are full. Because Mary is in labor, they seek refuge in a cave. The star guides the sages to the cave, and its light brings the local shepherds and farmers to its threshold. There they find Mary nursing her newborn child and fall to their knees in awe and thankfulness.

Rocco is a distant witness to the journey of the three wise men and to the Nativity. 

The voice actors in this volume include:

  • Goto Tetsuo (Simon) had featured roles in Armored Troooper Votoms, Eureka Seven Ao, Zero no Tsukaima, Kado: The Right Answer, and Squid GIrl.
  • Fujiki Seiko (Anna) appeared in Nagaski 1945: Angelus no Kane, an Orphan release.
  • Kiyokawa Motomu (prophet) played Fuyutsuki Kouzou in the recent Evangelion movies, Walter Dornez in Hellsing Ultimate, Charles Auclair in the Nodame Cantabile franchise,  and Gouza in the current Ars no Kyojuu. He played Kosuke as an adult in Sensou Douwa: Boku no Boukuugou, an Orphan release.
  • Suzuki Katsumi (messenger) appeared in Hi-Speed Jecy, Zetsuai: 1989, and Kosuke-sama to Rikimaru-sama: Konpeitou no Ryuu, all Orphan releases.
  • Hayami Shou (angel) reprises her role from earlier episodes.
  • Amano Yuri (Mary) played the title role in The Legend of Snow White, Julia in Daddy Long Legs, Kiyone in the Tenchi Muyo franchise, and Moemi in Video Girl Ai. She appeared as Kuzunoha in Akuemon, Angie in Condition Green, Elthena in Eien no Filena, Kitagawa in Nozomi Witches, Noriko in Singles, Yuko in St. Michaela Gakuen Hyouryuuki, Ayuuru in B.B. Fish, and in multiple roles in Fukuyama Gekijou, all Orphan releases.
  • Hirata Hiroaki (Joseph) played Kondo Masami in Koi wa Ameagari no You ni,  Benny in Black Lagoon, Itsuki in the Kindaichi movies, Sa Gojou in Saiyuki and its sequels, Sanji in One Peace, Zaki in DearS, Jack in Moonlight Mile, Nantoka in Rita to Nantoka, Tiger in Tiger & Bunny, Vinsmoke in One Piece, Fujimoto in Ao no Exorcist, and Max Lobo in Bananafish. He also played Mishima Jun in Chameleon and the professor in Nemure Omoigo, Sora no Shitone ni, both Orphan releases.
  • Koyama Tekohiro (Zechariah) had featured roles in Cowboy Bebop, Demon Lord Dante, Project Blue Earth SOS, Robotics;Notes, and Texhnolyze. He appeared in Nagasaki 1945: Angelus no Kane, an Orphan release.
  • Sasaki Seiji (Roman captain) appeared in Howl's Moving Castle, One Piece, Samurai 7, and Inazuma Eleven.
  • Masato Sako (Herod) had featured roles in Dotanba no Manners and the You're Under Arrest movie.
  • Doi Mika (Elizabeth) previously appeared as Hagar.
  • Ishinami Yoshito (wise man) appeared in Arc the Lad, Hikaru na Go, and Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
  • Ishikawa Kazuyuki (wise man) appeared in Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock, El Hazard: The Alternative World, Reign: The Conqueror, and Zatch Bell.

I could not identify the actor playing the third wise man.

For this set of episodes, both Moho Kareshi and Skr contributed to the translations. ninjacloud timed. I edited and transposed the typesetting. Nemesis and Uchuu QCed. Skr encoded from R2J DVDs.

You can pick up this batch of episodes from the usual torrent site or from IRC bot Orphan|Arutha in channels #nibl or #news on

Batch torrent soon.

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