
Monday, August 29, 2022

Beast City (Inma Daitoshi) 3v2

sxales has recently released a new dual audio encode of the US version of the 1990's h-anime Beast City (Inma Daitoshi), which includes the first two episodes. Completing the update, here's a new version of the third episode, which was only released in Japan and is, therefore, censored and single audio.

This version was made possible by an Internet pen-pal known as ProxyMan. He's has been systematically collecting R2J DVDs of older Japanese h-anime - including most of Orphan's output in the field. Kakyuusei (1995) was the first to be released; Beast City 3 is next in line. There will be more (sorry).

The third episode of Beast City followed the first two after a considerable time lapse; perhaps that explains why it was never released in the US. It begins with a comical recap of events to date, which obviates the need to watch the first two episodes for plot continuity. (That's why everyone watches h-anime, isn't it?) Horrible alien beasts have invaded Earth and are ravishing and killing its women. Vampires from another planet previously ruined by the beasts have come to Earth to save it. Violence and sexual hijinks ensue. Well, at least it has a plot.

Okizari's original release in 2014 used a random Internet raw, encoded in DivX5, which causes playback issues these days. Moho Kareshi translated; the translation checker and timer remained anonymous. I edited and typeset.
CP of late lamented memory helped with QC. This new version is encoded from an R2J DVD by an encoder who also wishes to remain anonymous. I've touched up the script in a few places and updated the typesetting. Otherwise, it's pretty much the same as before, just shinier.

You can get Beast City 3v2 from the X-rated side of the usual torrent site or from IRC bot Orphan|Arutha in channels #nibl or #news on

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