
Friday, November 28, 2014

In the Queue at Orphan Fansubs

Time for an update:
  • D4 Princess. This utterly forgettable short (8 minutes per episode) series has been abandoned several times, and the existing subs are not very accurate. The Orphan version will include a checked translation of the first six episodes, and new translations of the others. It will use tipota's excellent encodes. Status: Previews translated; all episodes translation-checked, edited, typeset, and into QC.
  • Lunn Flies into the Wind. The third Lion Book. Checked translation, ARR encode. Status: at TLC.
  • Tokimeki Tonight. A joint project with Saitei to finish the last eight episodes of this series. All episodes are translated. Status: 27-28 at QC; 29-31 at TLC; 32-34 at editing.
I'm still looking for raws for Hidamari no Ki, and I wouldn't mind getting my hands on BDMVs for the Cosprayers trilogy. Meanwhile, DVDs for Gosenzosama Banbanzai have surfaced, and we're looking at redoing the Ureshii-Frostii version on modern encodes.

[Updated 12-Dec-2014]


  1. Hey there. Just trying to look for people interested in doing a proper release of Arion. The current subtitles are quite bad. Let me know if you're interested. :>

  2. 1) Live-Evil is actually working on Arion right now. Based, in fact, in my old script, so I hope the existing "bad" subtitles are just a timing issue or something...

    2) I'm the one doing the 2520 rips. I've given 1-2 to Live-Evil, still need to to the encoding on 3. I am also ripping all of the promotional material: Volume 0, Tokio in Yamato 2520, and The Mirror of my Eternal Memory. The filtering on that last one is going on as I type this message, will take another 15+ hours (its going extra-slow for some reason). I plan to release all the raws once they are done - probably within the next week.

  3. Arion is now at editing :)

    - mamo (live-evil)

    1. I hope this makes it out sometime in the near future. :o

      -tenkenX6 (Live-eviL)

    2. Arion is now at Typesetting. Suzaku|rCGoLE| (Live-eviL)

  4. I would love to see D4 Princess finally finished. I bought the DVDs on one of my trips to Japan, email my gmail to oldmansubs if you like a copy.

    1. Á late thank you, Old Man :-) However, we're using tipota's encodes, which most likely are based of rips of my DVD that were made for DmonHiro's attempt to sub this. After that, I've been in two failed/stalled projects, and I'm very happy to finally be able to see it through :)

  5. Thanks for picking up these neglected works!

    Any progress on the Yamato 2520 subs?

  6. All episodes are done or in final QC.

  7. Do you still need any assistance with Tokimeki Tonight? I'd love to help. Also, if you need better raws, I could possibly rip my R2 boxset.
